Open Source Declaration


Our gecholog/gecholog container image includes and utilizes NATS server, an open-source messaging system. Find license at /usr/share/doc/nats-server/LICENSE. We use NATS server under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. Our team acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of the developers and community behind NATS server to the open-source ecosystem. For details on the license, please find the Apache License 2.0 here.


Our gecholog/gl-nlp-spacy-entities container image incorporates spaCy, an open-source natural language processing library. Find 3rd party license at /usr/share/doc/spaCy/3rd_party_licenses.txt. SpaCy is used under the terms of the MIT License. We are grateful to the spaCy contributors and maintainers for their work. The MIT License details can be found here.