
Headers represent an advanced aspect of gecholog, offering multiple layers of handling and considerable flexibility for expert users.

Ingress Headers

In gecholog, ingress_headers are obtained from the requester. They become accessible to processors after step 2. Unless modified by processors beforehand, these headers are logged in their original state.

1. From Request

The initial step involves populating ingress_headers with the raw headers from the request. During this phase, headers categorized as masked_headers are obfuscated.

2. Router Header Configuration Check

If router.ingress.headers are configured in /app/conf/gl_config.json, both the name and value of each header listed must match those in the request. If there's a mismatch, gecholog responds with http.StatusUnauthorized.

Outbound Headers

The outbound_headers will be sent to the target by gecholog. They are made available to processors after step 2 and sent to the target after step 3. Unless altered by async processors beforehand, this is also the state in which they are logged.

1. Creation from Ingress Headers

outbound_headers are initially copied from ingress_headers.

2. Cleaning Up Headers

These headers are removed from outbound_headers:

  • The mandatory router.ingress.headers
  • The Session-Id header
  • Headers in the remove_headers list

NOTE: An example of a standard remove_headers entry is the Content-Length header, which needs to be recreated at each step: ingress, outbound, inbound, and egress.

3. Sending to Target

Before sending outbound_headers to the target, the masked_headers are restored to their un-masked state. The remove_headers process runs again, and the router.outbound.headers are added. If there is a conflict, router.outbound.headers takes precedence.

Inbound Headers

The inbound_headers are received by gecholog from the target. They are made available to processors after step 1. Unless altered by processors beforehand, this is also the state in which they are logged.

1. Raw Inbound Headers

inbound_headers are initially the raw response headers from the target, with remove_headers removed. At this point, the headers in the masked_headers category are obfuscated.

Egress Headers

The egress_headers will be sent to the original requestor as a response from gecholog. They are made available to processors after step 1 and sent to the original requestor after step 2. Unless altered by async processors beforehand, this is also the state in which they are logged.

1. Creation from Inbound Headers

egress_headers are first copied from inbound_headers.

2. Sending Them Back

egress_headers have remove_headers removed and headers in the masked_headers category restored. Then, the Session-Id header is added.