AWS Bedrock

This page describes how to make requests to AWS Bedrock Runtime models via gecholog. AWS API integrations require request signing and it is recommended to use the AWS libraries for the signature process. We will show how to use two different AWS library methods to make requests via gecholog to AWS Bedrock Runtime API.

  1. Using invoke_model method
  2. Pre-signing the request using SigV4Auth

In these examples we will use python library and the Titan model, but the method can be used for other SDKs and other models such as Claude from Anthropic provided by AWS.

1. invoke_model method via gecholog

Using the invoke_model directly has both advantages and disadvantages:


  • Simpler integration code
  • Closer coupling with the AWS Bedrock method library
  • Always HTTPS


  • Requires empty / gecholog router
  • Cannot use other routers which can limit Traffic Management capabilities

NOTE: We will show the process to use self-signed certificates for HTTPS which is not recommended for production use. Replace the self-signed certificate steps with actions to use your real certificates for production.

1.a Start gecholog configured for invoke_model

We have bundled a set of configuration files for exploring AWS Bedrock with TLS enabled. Pull the files from GitHub and use them to quickly spin up a pre-configured gecholog container using Docker.

git clone
cd gecholog_resources/aws/bedrock

Run the following command to create self-signed certificates (Not for production use!). Two certification files are created locally: key.pem and cert.pem. Please store them in the same folder with gecholog.Dockerfile.

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes

Use the gecholog.Dockerfile to build an image with the necessary config and certificate files to the container image.

docker build --no-cache -f gecholog.Dockerfile -t gechologaws .

Start the gecholog container. Replace with your own AWS Bedrock Runtime url.

docker run -d --name gecholog -p 5380:5380 -p 8080:8080 -e GUI_SECRET=changeme -e AISERVICE_API_BASE= -e NATS2FILE_LOGGER_SUBTOPIC=.logger -v .:/app/log gechologaws

NOTE: Make sure you are using the image gechologaws that you created in the build step when starting the gecholog container to be used for the invoke_model method (TLS enabled)

1.b Make a request using invoke_model

The following is an example of the python code doing chat completion with Amazon Titan model via gecholog. Adapt the code as you need.

import boto3
import json
from botocore.config import Config

proxy_definitions = {
    'https': 'https://localhost:5380', # An empty / router needs to be defined in gl_config.json for gecholog

my_config = Config(
        'proxy_use_forwarding_for_https': True

boto3.setup_default_session(profile_name='Your-Profile-Name') # Your AWS account profile

# Trust the the self-signed certificate for the proxy for dev purposes
# This is not recommended for production
# You can add certificate information to the Config object to trust the certificate for production
gecholog_client = boto3.client('bedrock-runtime',config=my_config,verify=False)

body = json.dumps({
    "inputText": "Human: explain black holes with 10 words\n\nAssistant:",
    "textGenerationConfig": {

modelId = 'amazon.titan-text-express-v1'
accept = 'application/json'
contentType = 'application/json' # The contentType header is required by gecholog

# Make the request
response = gecholog_client.invoke_model(body=body,modelId=modelId, accept=accept, contentType=contentType)

response_body = json.loads(response.get('body').read())

# output

You should receive the follow json from the code above.

{'inputTextTokenCount': 14, 'results': [{'tokenCount': 15, 'outputText': 'Black holes are regions of spacetime with such strong gravity that nothing can escape', 'completionReason': 'LENGTH'}]}

2. Pre-signed requests via gecholog

Making presigned requests to AWS Bedrock Runtime via gecholog has both advantages and disadvantages:


  • Using AWS native libraries
  • More agnostic integration code
  • Can use both HTTP and HTTPS
  • Take advantage of routing capabilities of gecholog


  • Does not use Bedrock methods
  • Multi-step process

2.a Start gecholog

For pre-signed requests to AWS Bedrock Runtime API the gecholog/gecholog:latest image can be used in standard configuration.

docker run -d --name gecholog -p 5380:5380 -p 8080:8080 -e GUI_SECREAT=changeme -e AISERVICE_API_BASE= -e NATS2FILE_LOGGER_SUBTOPIC=.logger -v .:/app/log gecholog/gecholog:latest

It is recommended to use the to update the tokencounter_config.json to match the AWS patterns for token reporting:

    "usage_fields": [
            "router": "default",
            "patterns": [
                    "field": "prompt_tokens",
                    "pattern": "inbound_payload.inputTextTokenCount"
                    "field": "completion_tokens",
                    "pattern": "inbound_payload.results.0.tokenCount"

2.b Make a pre-signed request using

The following is an example of the python code doing chat completion with Amazon Titan model via gecholog by pre-signing the request. Adapt the code as you need.

import boto3

from botocore.auth import SigV4Auth
from botocore.awsrequest import AWSRequest
from botocore.session import Session
from botocore.credentials import Credentials

import requests
import json
import os

profile = 'Your-Profile-Name' 

bedrock_url = os.getenv("AISERVICE_API_BASE")
if not bedrock_url:
    bedrock_url = ""

api = "model/amazon.titan-text-express-v1/invoke"
gecholog_url = "http://localhost:5380/service/standard/"

# Initialize session using your AWS profile
session = boto3.Session(profile_name=profile)

# Create a request body
body = json.dumps({
    "inputText": "Human: explain black holes with 10 words\n\nAssistant:",
    "textGenerationConfig": {

bedrock_host = bedrock_url.replace("https://", "").rstrip("/")

# Create an AWS request object
request = AWSRequest(
    url=bedrock_url + api,
        "Content-Type": "application/json", # Required by gecholog
        "Host": bedrock_host

# Get credentials and region from session
credentials = session.get_credentials()
region = session.region_name

# Sign the request
SigV4Auth(credentials, 'bedrock', region).add_auth(request)

# Send the request using requests library
response =, headers=dict(request.headers),

# Output the response

You should receive the follow json from the code above.

{'inputTextTokenCount': 14, 'results': [{'tokenCount': 15, 'outputText': 'Black holes are regions of spacetime with such strong gravity that nothing can escape', 'completionReason': 'LENGTH'}]}