
Flow order

This is the flow order and terminology in gecholog.

Advanced Processor Logic of LLM Gateway

Configuration Fields

This is an example of the /app/conf/gl_config.json file. It's the main config file for gecholog.

    "version": "0.92.1",
    "log_level": "INFO",
    "license_file": "./app/conf/license.json",
    "tls": {
        "ingress": {
            "enabled": false,
            "certificate_file": "",
            "private_key_file": ""
        "outbound": {
            "insecure": false,
            "system_cert_pool": true,
            "cert_files": []
    "service_bus": {
        "hostname": "localhost:4222",
        "topic": "",
        "topic_exact_isalive": "",
        "topic_exact_logger": "",
        "token": "${NATS_TOKEN}"
    "gl_port": 5380,
    "session_id_header": "Session-Id",
    "masked_headers": [
    "remove_headers": [
    "routers": [
            "path": "/echo/",
            "ingress": {
                "headers": {}
            "outbound": {
                "url": "https://localhost",
                "endpoint": "",
                "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": [
            "path": "/service/standard/",
            "ingress": {
                "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": [
            "outbound": {
                "url": "${AISERVICE_API_BASE}",
                "endpoint": "",
                "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": [
            "path": "/service/capped/",
            "ingress": {

                "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": [
            "outbound": {
                "url": "${AISERVICE_API_BASE}",
                "endpoint": "",
                "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": [
            "path": "/restricted/",
            "ingress": {
                "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": [
                    "Api-Key": [
            "outbound": {
                "url": "${AISERVICE_API_BASE}",
                "endpoint": "",
                "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": [
                    "Api-Key": [
    "request": {
        "processors": [
                    "name": "token_counter",
                    "modifier": false,
                    "required": false,
                    "async": false,
                    "input_fields_include": [
                    "input_fields_exclude": [],
                    "output_fields_write": [
                    "service_bus_topic": "",
                    "timeout": 50
    "response": {
        "processors": [
                    "name": "token_counter",
                    "modifier": false,
                    "required": false,
                    "async": true,
                    "input_fields_include": [
                    "input_fields_exclude": [],
                    "output_fields_write": [
                    "service_bus_topic": "",
                    "timeout": 50
    "logger": {
        "request": {
            "fields_include": [],
            "fields_exclude": []
        "response": {
            "fields_include": [],
            "fields_exclude": []

Field Description
gl_port Port number for the service.
license_file Path to the license file.
logger Configuration for logging filters
log_level One of DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR
masked_headers List of headers to obfuscate in logs and to processors.
remove_headers List of headers to remove at ingress, outbound, inbound and egress.
response Configuration for response processors.
request Configuration for request processors.
routers Definitions of ingress and outbound routing paths.
service_bus Configuration for the service bus connection and topics.
session_id_header Header name for Session ID.
tls TLS settings
version The config file conforms to this specification

Why that default port? GECHO -> GE8O -> 5380.

environment variables

gecholog supports environment variables described in section Environment Variables.


Object to set TLS configuration. For more information about tls see Section TLS.

    "tls": {
        "ingress": {
            "enabled": false,
            "certificate_file": "./app/conf/cert.pem",
            "private_key_file": "./app/conf/key.pem"
        "outbound": {
            "insecure": false,
            "system_cert_pool": true,
            "cert_files": [ ]

Ingress tls

Field Description
certificate_file .pem certificate file
enabled enable=true to accept ingress https
private_key_file .pem private key file

Outbound tls

Field Description
cert_files Array of paths/filenames to ca.crt files
insecure insecure=true to accept insecure outbound https
system_cert_pool system_cert_pool=true to append system provided certs


Field Description
hostname hostname:port to nats
token Access token to nats
topic Main topic for gecholog on the service bus.
topic_exact_isalive Topic for checking if the gecholog service is alive.
topic_exact_logger Subscribe to this topic for all the gecholog logs!


the router field contains an array of routers, add as many as you like.

The /echo/ router is a special case router, disregarding any outbound URL and simply echoing back the ingress payload. However, standard processing rules, filtering, etc., still apply. This router provides a convenient method for testing your settings and processors without utilizing LLM-APIs.

Each router configuration object needs to have the following structure:

    "path": "/service/capped/",
    "ingress": {
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": [
    "outbound": {
        "url": "",
        "endpoint": "",
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": [

Router Configuration

The router configuration consists of two main sections, ingress and outbound, each defined with specific paths, URLs, and headers.

Field Description
path The /yourpath/ for incoming requests to gecholog.
ingress Details for ingress
outbount Details for outbound

path need starting and ending / like /mypath/subpath/ or /anotherpath/.

Ingress Configuration

Field Description
headers Array of mandatory headers, can be left empty.

Outbound Configuration

Field Description
endpoint Mostly left empty. Optional additional path to add to the outbound url.
url The target URL where the application sends outbound traffic.
headers Array of static headers that will be included in the outbound request, can be left empty.

For more information about headers see section Headers.

The final outbound URL is determined by considering several elements: 1) the outbound->url, 2) outbound->endpoint (if it exists), 3) the path following ingress->path, and 4) any ingress query parameters.

request & response processors

Both request and response objects contain an array of array of processors

Sequential Processors A,B,C (assuming all have sync=true)


Parallel processors A1, A2 (assuming both have sync=true)

    [A1, A2]

For more information about processor ordering se section Processor Rules.

Processor example

Each processor has the following structure:

    "name": "spacy_entities",
    "modifier": false,
    "required": false,
    "async": true,
    "input_fields_include": [ "outbound_payload" ],
    "input_fields_exclude": [ ],
    "output_fields_write": [ "spacy_entities" ],
    "service_bus_topic": "",
    "timeout": 1000

Field Description
name Name of the processor.
modifier true if it can modify but not create fields. false if it can create but not modify.
required Mark if processor execution is mandatory. WARNING - if not executed -> no log!
async true for post-processor. false for realtime.
input_fields_include List of fields from request/response objects sent to processor. Empty -> all fields.
input_fields_exclude Opposite of include. Fields to exclude. Empty means no excluded.
output_fields_write Fields in request/response objects processor can write to.
service_bus_topic Topic in the service bus for requests to processor.
timeout Timeout value for the processor in milliseconds.


The logger section has two sub-sections, request and response, each with:

Field Description
fields_include Fields to include in the log.
fields_exclude Fields to exclude from the log.

ginit process manager

The gecholog container is controlled by the ginit service. It is not recommended to make any changes to /app/conf/ginit_config.json. The service manager ginit is responsible for monitoring configuration files, managing and restarting the services and printing the container system log. By default the container will die if the following services are unhealthy

  • gl
  • nats-server
  • nats2file

And these services are allowed to be idle

  • gui
  • nats2log
  • tokencounter

gui web interface configuration

The gecholog container runs the gui web interface service. Settings such as port and TLS certificates can be set in the /app/conf/gui_config.json file

   "secret": "${GUI_SECRET}",
   "failed_authentication_limit": 5,
   "tls": {
      "ingress": {
         "enabled": false,
         "certificate_file": "",
         "private_key_file": ""
   "gui_port": 8080

It is recommended not to edit other settings of the /app/conf/gui_config.json configuration file.