Custom Dockerfile

If you've developed a custom configuration set, you may consider creating a Docker image tailored with your specific settings. This can be easily achieved with the use of a Dockerfile.

Dockerfile example

Create a file named Dockerfile with this content. Here is the link to an example Dockerfile on github.

# Build with
# docker build -f Dockerfile -t custom_gecholog .

FROM gecholog/gecholog:latest

# Copy the config files (remove the lines that don't apply)
# COPY your_ginit_config.json /app/conf/ginit_config.json
# COPY your_gui_config.json /app/conf/gui_config.json
COPY your_gl_config.json /app/conf/gl_config.json
COPY your_tokencounter_config.json /app/conf/tokencounter_config.json
COPY your_nats2log_config.json /app/conf/nats2log_config.json
COPY your_nats2file_config.json /app/conf/nats2file_config.json
COPY your_nats-server.conf /app/conf/nats-server.conf

# Copy license & certificates (remove the lines that don't apply)
COPY your_license.json /app/conf/license.json
COPY your_cert.pem /app/conf/cert.pem
COPY your_key.pem /app/conf/key.pem
COPY ca.cert /app/conf/ca.cert

This Dockerfile takes the official gecholog container image, and copies your config files to it.

Build you custom container

Use Docker to run the command to build your custom gecholog container image.

docker build -f Dockerfile -t custom_gecholog .