Standard Library Processors

The gecholog container contains the standard library processors. Standard Library means they are maintained and supported by the team. The standard library processors are:

  • nats2log subscribes to logger topic and pushes logs using either file_writer rest_api_writer elastic_writer or azure_log_analytics_writer
  • tokencounter to add token_count fields and throttle traffic

Each processor has their own configuration file and can easily be disabled.

NOTE: nats2file is just a second instance of nats2log with default mode file_writer


Config file app/conf/nats2log_config.json

  "version": "0.92.1",
  "log_level": "INFO",
  "mode": "azure_log_analytics_writer",
  "retries": 3,
  "retry_delay_milliseconds": 250,
  "service_bus": {
    "hostname": "localhost:4222",
    "topic": "",
    "topic_exact_logger": "${NATS2LOG_LOGGER_SUBTOPIC}",
    "token": "${NATS_TOKEN}"
  "tls": {
    "insecure": false,
    "system_cert_pool": true,
    "cert_files": [ ]
  "file_writer": {
    "filename": "/app/log/disabled.jsonl",
    "write_mode": "append"
  "elastic_writer": {
    "url": "https://localhost",
    "port": 9200,
    "index": "coburn1",
    "username": "elastic",
    "password": "${ELASTIC_PASSWORD}"
  "azure_log_analytics_writer": {
    "workspace_id": "${AZURE_LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_ID}",
    "shared_key": "${AZURE_LOG_ANALYTICS_SHARED_KEY}",
    "log_type": "gecholog"
  "rest_api_writer": {
    "url": "https://localhost",
    "port": 443,
    "endpoint": "/log",
        "headers1": [ "value1"]

Field Description
azure_log_analytics_writer Details for sending logs to Azure Log Analytics
elastic_writer Details for sending logs to Elastic
file_writer Details to write logs to file(s)
log_level One of DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR
mode One of file_writer rest_api_writer elastic_writer azure_log_analytics_writer
rest_api_writer Details for sending logs to custom REST endpoint
retries Number of retries dispatching the log to store
retry_delay_milliseconds Delay before retry in milliseconds
service_bus Connection details and main topic queue for service bus
tls TLS settings
version The config file conforms to this specification

environment variables

nats2log supports environment variables described in section Environment Variables.


Field Description
hostname hostname:port to nats
token Access token to nats
topic Information topic for nats2log
topic_exact_logger Topic nats2log subscribes to for logs

nats2log subscribes to the service bus topic where gecholog posts the final logs. nats2log sends them to 3rd party log storage using different writers. The processor nats2log executes after the post-processing chain. It does not alter any message in gecholog in any way and only subscribes to the topic_exact_logger topic. topic_exact_logger is set using the ${NATS2LOG_LOGGER_SUBTOPIC} environment variable by default. Leave ${NATS2LOG_LOGGER_SUBTOPIC} empty and nats2log will subscribe to a mute topic, hence being disabled. Set ${NATS2LOG_LOGGER_SUBTOPIC}=.logger to enable. You can also remove the dependecy on the environment variable and enable nats2log by setting


Field Description
cert_files Array of paths+filenames to cert files (like ca.crt)
insecure insecure=true allows non verified outbound tls traffic. NOT RECOMMENDED!
system_cert_pool Appends container systems cert pool to the certificates used


Field Description
log_type logtype name
workspace_id Azure Log Analytics workspace id
shared_key Azure Log Analytics access key. Currently found under log analytics->Agents->Log Analytics agent instructions

azure_log_analytics_writer posts the logs to the data collections /api/logs api. Since there are many moving parts when connecting to a new external service, it's recommended to temporarily set log_level=DEBUG to capture more details related to issues with the POST requests in the container system log. Make sure tls options are configured with at least system_cert_pool=true.


Field Description
url URL to Elastic
port Elastic port
index Index to post logs to
username elastic_writer uses -u option to POST. This is username
password elastic_writer uses -u option to POST. This is pwd

elastic_writer posts the logs to the Elastic /_doc api. Since there are many moving parts when connecting to a new external service, it's recommended to temporarily set log_level=DEBUG to capture more details related to issues with the POST requests in the container system log. For https make sure tls options are configured to support connecting to the url of Elastic.


Field Description
filename Path/filename in container to where .jsonl file is written
write_mode Either append overwrite or new

append adds lines to the existing file or creates a new one if the file doesn't already exist. overwrite clears the file and then appends to it. new creates new filenames _1 _2 ... _n if the files already exist, then appends to the new file.

If you want to mount a local host path to be able to ingest/analyze the logs, you can start the gecholog container by mounting a local volume like this

docker run -d --name gecholog -p 5380:5380 -p 8080:8080 -e -e GUI_SECRET=changeme AISERVICE_API_BASE= -e NATS2FILE_LOGGER_SUBTOPIC=.logger -v your/path:/app/log gecholog/gecholog:latest
az container create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --name gecholog --image gecholog/gecholog:latest --azure-file-volume-account-name <STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME> --azure-file-volume-account-key <STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY> --azure-file-volume-share-name <FILE_SHARE_NAME> --azure-file-volume-mount-path /app/log --environment-variables AISERVICE_API_BASE= NATS2FILE_LOGGER_SUBTOPIC=.logger --secure-environment-variables GUI_SECRET=changeme --dns-name-label gecholog-changeme --ports 5380 8080

Or add these lines to your docker-compose.yml file

version: '3'
    image: gecholog/gecholog:latest
      - /path/on/your/host:/app/log


Field Description
endpoint POST to url+port:endpoint
headers map[name]->Array of values for outbound headers
port POST to url+port:endpoint
url POST to url+port:endpoint

rest_api_writer is suitable for writing to a REST api that only requires static headers. For https make sure tls options are configured to support connecting to the url.

Configuration validation

nats2log employs strict configuration validation of the configuration structure and configuration fields. To support users to process of creating valid configuration files, nats2log supports the --validate flag. For more information about config file validation visit section Field Validation.


nats2file is just one more instance of nats2log with default mode file_writer with configuration file /app/conf/nats2file_config.json. Read more about the configuration options in Section file_writer. For topic_exact_logger nats2file uses the environment variable ${NATS2FILE_LOGGER_SUBTOPIC} by default. Use nats2log to validate a new configuration file also for nats2file.


Config file tokencounter_config.json

    "version": "0.92.1",
    "log_level": "INFO",
    "service_bus": {
        "hostname": "localhost:4222",
        "topic": "",
        "token": "${NATS_TOKEN}"
    "cap_period_seconds": 120,
    "token_caps": [
            "router": "/service/capped/",
            "fields": [
                    "field": "prompt_tokens",
                    "value": 500
                    "field": "completion_tokens",
                    "value": 500
                    "field": "total_tokens",
                    "value": 100
            "router": "/service/standard/",
            "fields": [
                    "field": "prompt_tokens",
                    "value": 0
                    "field": "completion_tokens",
                    "value": 0
                    "field": "total_tokens",
                    "value": 0
    "usage_fields": [
            "router": "default",
            "patterns": [
                    "field": "prompt_tokens",
                    "pattern": "inbound_payload.usage.prompt_tokens"
                    "field": "completion_tokens",
                    "pattern": "inbound_payload.usage.completion_tokens"
                    "field": "total_tokens",
                    "pattern": "inbound_payload.usage.total_tokens"

Field Description
cap_period_seconds Period in seconds after which token cap counter resets
log_level One of DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR
service_bus Connection details and main topic queue for service bus
token_caps Array token caps
usage_fields Array of patterns for tokens
version The config file conforms to this specification


Field Description
hostname hostname:port to nats
token Access token to nats
topic Information topic for tokencounter


Field Description
router Specify router where cap applies
fields Arrays of cap fields
Field Description
field Field name
value Token cap. 0 means no cap


Field Description
router Specify router where pattern applies, or default
patterns Arrays of search patterns
Field Description
field Field name
pattern json-search path to token object

json-search path uses gjson syntax gjson on github.

Configuration validation

tokencounter uses strict configuration validation of the configuration structure and configuration fields. To support users to process of creating valid configuration files, tokencounter supports the --validate flag. For more information about config file validation visit section Field Validation.


tokencounter can be used as

  • response processor only OR
  • request and response processor

As a response processor tokencounter expects inbound_payload and gl_path fields. It creates a new to token_count field in the response object. It keeps keeps track of the token consumption for the fields prompt, completion and total for each path in the token_caps map.

As a request processor tokencounter uses the tracked consumption from the response traffic to determine if the threshold for token_caps has been surpassed or not. It will block traffic to the target if token consumption > threshold when a new request arrives. It will send back the response

  "Error": "Consumption Cap Exceeded. Try again later",

It will reset all counters every cap_period_seconds seconds.