
Commercial software

gecholog is a licensed proprietary commercial software under commercial license use. For more information about licensing visit License.

Validate the license

Run this command to validate the license.json:

docker exec gecholog ./gl -o /app/conf/gl_config.json --license
az container exec --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --name gecholog --container-name gecholog --exec-command "./gl -o /app/conf/gl_config.json --license"

To produce this output

  "time": "2024-02-19T21:30:52.117444599Z",
  "level": "INFO",
  "source": {
    "function": "main.setupConfig",
    "file": "/app/cmd/gl/main.go",
    "line": 2371
  "msg": "license is valid and not expired",
  "service": "gl",
  "days_until_expiration": 40

Warning of license expiration

If there is less than 30 days left of the license when running the ./gl --license command, an additional warning message will be printed:

  "time": "2024-02-20T08:48:33.738727681Z",
  "level": "INFO",
  "source": {
    "function": "main.setupConfig",
    "file": "/app/cmd/gl/main.go",
    "line": 2371
  "msg": "license is valid and not expired",
  "service": "gl",
  "days_until_expiration": 7
  "time": "2024-02-20T08:48:33.738876284Z",
  "level": "WARN",
  "source": {
    "function": "main.setupConfig",
    "file": "/app/cmd/gl/main.go",
    "line": 2382
  "msg": "less than 30 days until the license expires",
  "service": "gl",
  "days_until_expiration": 7

Expiration date from downloading license.json

To find the expiration date for your license, you can download the license.json file from the container or mount the directory /app/conf/ as described here. To download it:

docker cp gecholog:/app/conf/license.json .

The license.json file looks like this for an expiration date 30th November 2023:

  "user_info": "myCompany",
  "gateway_id": "ACC02341",
  "expiration_date": "2023-11-30",
  "signature": "RmFjZWJvb2tPQVVUSF...RPS0VuQ3J5cHRvKysrKysr"

Expiration date via service bus interface

If you don't have access to the filesystem of the container you can check the days left of the license from the isalive service of gecholog via the service bus interface. Since gecholog is using the light-weight service bus nats, we can use the nats-cli to check status (download options: natscli).

nats req -s "changeme@localhost" "" "any message"

Where changeme is your nats access token specified in the NATS_TOKEN or PASSWORD environment variable. And the expected response looks like this


NOTE: This example is assuming the gecholog container is accessible on localhost:4222 and that topic_exact_isalive is configured to in the /app/conf/gl_config.json file.

Container log 30-day expiration warning

When the license has less than 30 days to expire the gecholog container log will get a daily message indicating the number of days remaining of the license. You can find this by filtering the container log either on level==WARN or via .days_until_expiration.

Find the warnings using jq:

docker logs gecholog | jq --slurp '.[] | select(.level=="WARN")'
az container logs --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --name gecholog --container-name gecholog | jq --slurp '.[] | select(.level=="WARN")'

Or directly by filtering on days_until_expiration using jq:

Find the warnings using jq:

docker logs gecholog | jq --slurp '.[] | select(.days_until_expiration)'
az container logs --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --name gecholog --container-name gecholog | jq --slurp '.[] | select(.days_until_expiration)'

which prints lines like these:

  "time": "2024-02-20T07:38:53.001002588Z",
  "level": "WARN",
  "source": {
    "function": "main.monitorLicense",
    "file": "/app/cmd/gl/main.go",
    "line": 1909
  "msg": "license is about to expire",
  "service": "gl",
  "days_until_expiration": 7

When license expires

The glservice in the gecholog container will stop working when the license expires and will not start with an expired license.

The ./gl --license command and the container logs and will show this message on startup:

  "time": "2024-02-20T08:59:10.857763349Z",
  "level": "ERROR",
  "source": {
    "function": "main.setupConfig",
    "file": "/app/cmd/gl/main.go",
    "line": 2310
  "msg": "error validating license",
  "service": "gl",
  "error": "invalid signature"

Uploading license.json file

When you have received a new valid license.json file from us, follow the steps here to upload it to /app/conf/license.json.